2005 MAPLD International Conference
Ronald Reagan
Building and International Trade Center
Washington, D.C.
September 7-9, 2005
Session E: Radiation and Mitigation Techniques
(Friday morning, September 9)
Session Chairs:
Gary M. Swift, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Massimo Violante, Politecnico di Torino - DAUIN, Torino, Italy
8:00 AM Submission 202
"Improving FPGA Design Robustness with Partial TMR"
Brian Pratt1, D. Eric Johnson1, Michael J. Wirthlin1, Michael Caffrey2, Keith Morgan1,2, and Paul Graham2
1Brigham Young University
2Los Alamos National Labs
Abstract: pratt_a.pdf
Presentation: pratt_p.ppt
Paper: pratt_paper.pdf8:25 AM Submission 205
"Comparison of the Proton SEU Performance of the Microblaze and the Leon2 Soft Core Processor as implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-II SRAM based FPGA"
Dave M. Hiemstra, Fayez Chayab, and Kristopher Bates
MDA Space Missions
Abstract: hiemstra_a.html
Presentation: hiemstra_p.ppt8:50 AM Submission 134
"Radiation Hardened FPGA Technology"
Leonard Rockett1, Dinu Patel1, Steven Danziger1, Balwinder Sujlana1,Les Palkuti2, John McCollum3, J.J. Wang3, Brian Cronquist3, and Frank Hawley3
2Defense Threat Reduction Agency
3Actel Corporation
Abstract: rockett_a.html
Presentation: rockett_p.ppt9:15 AM Break in the Amphitheater Pre-Function Area and Poster Session 10:45 AM Submission 238
"Single Event Effects Mitigation of a Soft Embedded Processor in the Virtex-II FPGAs"
Sana Rezgui1, Jeffrey George2, Gary Swift3, Kevin Somervill4, and Carl Carmichael1
1Xilinx, Inc.
2The Aerospace Corporation
3Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
4NASA Langley
Abstract: rezgui_a.html
Presentation: rezgui_p.ppt11:10 AM Submission 240
"Total Ionizing Dose Effect on Programmable Input Configurations"
J.J. Wang, R. Chan, G. Kuganesan, B. Cronquist, and J. McCollum
Actel Corporation
Abstract: wang_a.doc
Presentation: wang_p.ppt11:35 AM Submission 155 (Session E)
"Radiation-Induced Multi-bit Upsets in Xilinx SRAM-Based FPGAs"
Paul Graham1, Heather Quinn1, Jim Krone1, Michael Caffrey1, Sana Rezgui2 and Carl Carmichael2
1Los Alamos National Laboratory
2Xilinx Corporation
Abstract: graham_a.html
Presentation: graham_p.pdf
Paper: quinn_paper.pdf12:00 PM Lunch In The Atrium "Rocket Park" - Executive Deli
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