"Reconfigurable Handel-C FSL Accelerators for MicroBlaze"

Roman Bartosinski and Jiri Kadlec
Institute of Information Theory and Automation Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (UTIA)


MicroBlaze processor serves in many FPGA designs as the central 32 bit CPU with access to the global off chip memory and peripherals. MicroBlaze provides 8 FSL links for coprocessors. A challenge is to find straightforward design flow for these HW accelerators, which could be nearly as easy, as use of C or Fortran MEX functions utilized for acceleration of Matlab interpret on parallel platforms. We present design flow for partially dynamically reconfigurable on-chip accelerators in Handel-C. Each accelerator is connected to FSL link by set of dual ported BRAMs. Two of these BRAMS serve as swappable program memories for PicoBlaze microcontroller. This opens the possibility to reprogram on fly the SW part of each accelerator. MicoBlaze is using same communication channels for data transfer as well as for PicoBlaze program reload. Our currently implemented solution enables to run accelerators with no change of Handel-C source code on common starter kits with these parameters:


     Board        FPGA Family Part         Provider           System CLK

     Digilent     Spartan 3   xc3s200      Digilent/Xilinx     50 MHz
     SPAR3E-SK    Spartan 3E  xc3s500E     Avnet               50 MHz
RC10         Spartan 3L  xc3s1500L    Celoxica            64 MHz
     RC200E       Virtex 2    xc2v1000     Celoxica            75 MHz
     ML402        Virtex 4    xc4vsx35     Xilinx             100 MHz




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